Bob Mays Park
There are many great things to do in Quincy IL. One of these is visiting Bob Mays Park. The park has a long history of being an important place to both the local community and the city itself as it provides socialization, education, and entertainment for both children and adults.
The land that would become the location for Bob Mays Park was purchased in 1962 with the intention of creating a varitey of parks. This would be Quincy's first county forest preserve, and it's land that wasn't even complete yet. Eventually, Bob Mays Forest Preserve became a reality in 1985 through a joint venture between Adams County and McMaster University. It took several more years before work began on the development of the park though.
The Bob Mays Park closed for construction in 1988 and did not open until 1991. The Grand Opening celebration was held on Saturday, April 14th of that year. The park was named after Robert Mays, who served as Qunicy's Mayor from 1968-1973. He had a strong connection to McMaster University, where he worked as the Dean of Students for over two decades. When McMaster University sold a section of land to Adams County for the creation of Bob Mays Park, they named it after him.
There are several great activities that people can do at this park. There is a nice walking trail that is 2 miles long if you go out and back. There is also a smaller trail that loops around for half a mile. This makes it great for walking your dog, joging, rollerblading, skateboarding, or even bicycling. If you are interested in fishing, there are three ponds within the park where you can try to catch some fish. These ponds are stocked with catfish, bass, and bluegill.
In the center of all the ponds there is a small island. This island serves as a refuge for wildlife in the area when they need to escape from hungry predators. Alligators have been seen on this little island before in Bob Mays Park Quincy IL! There are also many great things to do below the water's surface. When the ponds were first finished and stocked, many species of turtles and fish lived in them: bluegill, crappie, sunfish, largemouth bass, channel catfish, and several species of frogs.
Finally there is a nice playground for children that includes a zip line and a tunnel to crawl through. There is also a large hill where people can go sledding during the winter months.
There are many great things to do in Bob Mays Park Quincy IL, but it begins and ends with good old fashioned fun.
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Peters Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.
4520 Broadway St, Quincy, IL 62305
(877) 938-7662